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Healthy Snacks for the Beach

So you want to go to the beach but don’t want to stuff your face with chips, white bread sandwiches, and ice cream? Instead of packing the cooler with not so healthy snacks, why don’t you pack it full of delicious and nutritious options. Here are a few examples:

  • Use pita bread or whole wheat wraps instead of white bread for sandwiches
  • Bring fruit such as cut up apples, watermelon, grapes, melon, and pineapple
  • Bring tons of water and only water!
  • Pack healthy sandwich toppings such as lettuce, tomatoes, lean meat, avocado, and peppers
  • Slice up veggies into sticks (carrots, cucumbers, peppers, celery, etc) and dip in homemade dressing
  • Instead of making pre-made sandwiches, pack the toppings seperate and create the wrap when you get there to avoid mushiness

Take into consideration these healthy snack ideas the next time you go to the beach!