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Garlic: A Superfood

Garlic, not only a humble-looking vegetable, but also a valuable contender in our health needs. People put garlic in almost any savory dish out there, from Italian to French to Asian cuisine. Garlic is a member of the lily family and originated in Central Asia. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Recent studies show garlic to help fight cancer and cardiovascular disease
  • Anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties
  • As far back as 2600 B.C. garlic was used for medicinal purposes by the Sumerians and throughout history to treat such ailments as stroke, immune disorders, arthritis, cataract formation, atherosclerosis, and cerebral aging
  • Contains a rich variety of sulfur containing compounds, most importantly an amino acid called allicin which surfaces when the garlic is crushed or chopped
  • A clove of garlic contains almost 100 nutrients, such as phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium, polyphenols, and arginine
  • Good source of vitamin C and B6

So not only is garlic healthy and a powerful superfood, but it’s delicious as well. So next time you whip up dinner, be sure to add some garlic to your meal!