Getting Started on Your Path to Wellness… The “DREAM” Way!
Welcome to DREAM Wellness!
A Little Wellness Story About Us:
Imagine this scenario: You are dealing with a health care challenge so you pick up the phone and contact a local doctor’s office. You are met on the other end of the phone by a receptionist who begins firing a barrage of questions regarding insurance carriers, deductibles and co-insurance responsibilities. You make an appointment and show up at your designated time. A little screen door opens and a face peeks through asking you for your insurance card. You hand in your card and take a seat in the waiting room, filling out mounds of paperwork and confusing insurance forms. Finally, after signing your life away and patiently waiting for an hour past your appointment time, you get in to see the doctor.
After a quick exam, you are diagnosed and given a prescription for medication. You have questions regarding this particular medication’s side-effects and the cause of your healthcare challenge, however due to inflated malpractice premiums and shrinking re-imbursement rates, the doctor simply doesn’t have the time to address your concerns and moves rapidly on to the next patient. You are left confused and rewarded with a large co-pay which you hand to an outstretched arm through the little screen door. Sound familiar?
Now imagine another scenario: Instead of picking up the phone and contacting your local doctor’s office out of convenience, you happen to dial our number. You are greeted by Ashley, our office coordinator, whose warm and soothing voice immediately places you at ease. You ask if Chiropractic can help your particular situation and want to know how other patients dealing with similar challenges have responded to this natural, drug-free approach.
Ashley proceeds to put each of your concerns at ease and schedules you for a complimentary wellness interview with Dr. Baron. The question of money never comes up so you ask if we take your insurance. Ashley assures you that any concerns regarding fees are secondary to making sure that you end up in the right office with the right healthcare team. She explains that DREAM Wellness is one big extended family and the purpose of the interview is to find out if you were meant to join ours. Ashley assures you that questions regarding our fee structure will be outlined during the complimentary interview visit and you will leave with a clear and concise understanding of your financial responsibilities as they relate to our office. Ashley sets the appointment and provides you with our website information, where you are able to easily download our forms and fill them out in the privacy of your own home prior to your personal interview.
You arrive for your initial visit with paperwork in hand. You are delighted to find there is no screen door with a face peeking through. Rather, Ashley walks around the front desk, and greets you the way you would greet someone entering your own home. She offers you some filtered water from our Hydration Station, takes you by the hand and walks you into your personal interview with Dr. Baron at your scheduled appointment time. The interview process unfolds beautifully, as questions are answered and Chiropractic concerns are quickly put to rest. You are delighted to find out that you don’t have to get your bones “cracked” and that Dr. Baron offers several different adjusting options. You can clearly feel that Dr. Baron’s focus is on you and your personal comfort and safety is of the highest priority.
In a healthcare setting, it has been quite some time that you felt like your questions and concerns were being met with such genuine attention and professionalism. You have finally found a healthcare provider who truly cares and you are ready to bring him on as a member of your healthcare team. We in turn are excited to accept you as a member of our family and eagerly anticipate a future for you filled with smiles, adjustments and lots of hugs. Welcome to the DREAM Wellness family. We really look forward to serving you.