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The Amazing Benefits of Pure Aloe Vera

This miracle plant is not just good for a sunburn in the summer. The ancient Egyptians called it the “Secret of Immortality.” Pure aloe vera comes from the leaves of the aloe plant. Inside each leaf is a mucilaginous gel, which is a potent source of long-chain sugars know as polysaccharides. The gel inside the plant contains vitamins A, C, and E, the minerals sulfur, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and chromium, as well as antioxidants, fiber, amino acids, enzymes, sterols, lignins, and polysaccharides. Aloe vera has been linked to the gaining of lean muscle mass and weight loss, as well as aiding in digestion. Aloe vera cuts and dissolves mucous in the intestines, which helps increase nutrient absorption. To eat the aloe vera, simply cut a 2-3 in section from the leaf. Cut off the pointy edges on either side, and fillet the top and bottom skin. You will be left with a gooey, slippery piece of pure aloe vera. You can put this in your morning smoothie, or any other blended treat!