Power Foods


My personal favorite, Artichokes are an excellent source of potassium and magnesium, and a good source of folic acid. They contain substances that are said to stimulate the secretion of bile. Artichokes are also said to be a good appetite stimulant, blood cleanser, antitoxin, diuretic, and are excellent for the liver. I like preparing them by boiling the whole artichoke in water until tender, peeling off the leaves, and dipping the ends (the meat part) in home made vinagrette. It is absolutely delicious!


Soybeans are more nourishing and contain more protein than any other legume. One cup of cooked soybeans contains as much protein as 1/4 pound cooked meat, poultry or fish. The protein in soybeans is of excellent quality, since it has a balanced supply of amino acids. The fat is soybeans is 78% unsaturated, non-cholesterol, and contains lecithin. Experimental studies reveal that consuming soybeans reduces the risk of contracting colon cancer. Sprinkle some soybeans on your salad for a yummy texture, or put them in a vegetable soup for a warm treat!


Rice is a good source of magnesium and contains niacin, vitamin B6, thiamine, phosphorus, zinc and copper. It is known to be an effective remedy for diarrhea, hypertension, and it can be used as an astringent. There are different varieties of rice including brown, white, arborio, jasmine, parboiled, and seasoned. The starch in rice is composed of amylose and amylopectin, expanding during cooking and highly digestible.


Eggs come in many varieties including quail, goose, duck, brown, white, and pheasant. Eggs are an excellent source of high-quality protein. They contain excellent sources of vitamin B12 and riboflavin, and good sources of vitamin D, folic acid, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, zinc, iron and potassium. The white in an egg supplies more than half of the protein and the larger portion of the potassiumand riboflavin, while the yolk of the egg provides the A and D vitaminsas well as most of the other vitamins and minerals. Egg protein is said to be complete because it provides the eight essential amino acids. There is no difference between the nutritive value of white eggs and brown eggs.