Welcome to Your Health “DREAM” Come True.
At DREAM Wellness you are not a chiropractic patient but a practice member. DREAM chiropractic adjustments retrain you not only in how to feel well but how to function fantastically in your everyday life.
The DREAM difference is we do not create “chiropractic dependency,” but rather wellness freedom. Our chiropractic care is one facet in an integrated system for your total health. Our practice members prove that it’s not just how you feel but how you function that makes the difference between “coping” and “conquering” a hectic life.
Why Chiropractic Care?
Most people today are playing defense—coping with poor health and hoping nothing bad happens. They’re eating “packaged poison” meals on the run. Foregoing exercise to jump into a 12-hour work day. Letting a hectic schedule squeeze out any relaxation. To top it all off, they’re engulfed in electromagnetic stress 24/7 from cell phones, computers, and MP3 players.
You need to get on the offense. You need to start a personal wellness revolution and take your health from coping to conquering. The Central Nervous System (CNS) is the “master control” for your body. Your fitness depends on the CNS working optimally. Doctors aim to treat disease or prevent future illness. DREAM Wellness promotes the integration of mind, body, spirit as a path to wellness.
Because the level of stress in your life far outweighs your body’s ability to adapt to it, you need chiropractic care to keep the CNS running at peak performance. Chiropractic will not remove stress from your life, but it will maximize your body’s ability to adapt to physical, chemical, emotional and electromagnetic stress—allowing you to quit coping and start conquering.
Why Dr. Baron?
Wellness expert Dr. Gregg Baron has dedicated his life to helping others achieve their health “dream” come true. He started his own wellness revolution when he co-founded DREAM Wellness in 2003.
Why Now?
Are you reactive or proactive to the stress in your life? Stress is not the problem. It’s your ability to adapt to stress and overcome or even preempt its negative effects. Pills and doctors are limited attainable options but chiropractic is the smart, logical choice because it’s sustainable.