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Benefits of Hot Yoga

Last week, Victoria and I ventured out and tried Hot Yoga for the first time. Let me just say, it’s not for the weak. Put it this way, if you’ve never done regular yoga before, don’t make this your first class. The temperature gets up to 110 degrees with almost 100% humidity. Don’t be scared though, it’s not as bad as I’m making it seem. The amount of sweat that is excreted from your body is enough to make you feel like you’ve lost 10 pounds. After it is all said and done, you feel great. Here is a list of benefits:

  • Vitality: you feel that vigor and a little more pep in your step after these classes.
  • Weight loss: since you are in a heated environment, your body can stretch more easily and more deeply. This leads to stronger flexibility, which in turn allows for the  muscles to burn more fat.
  • Detoxification: since it is so hot in the room, it is possible to lose up to 10 lbs of sweat in a single class. This is also great for your body because you are sweating out all of the toxins and cleaning out your organs.
  • Increased Mental Clarity: Hot yoga helps clean out any “brain fuzz” you might be experiencing. It allows for a sharper and clear mind.
  • Less Stress: increased connectivity with the body, gained from regular practice, causes the chatter of the mind to decrease, leaving one less mentally preoccupied, both in and out of the class.

Try it out with a friend, it’s good for the mind, body, and soul!