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The Wonderful Advantages of Orthotics

Orthotics are shoe inserts that help to maintain the normal positioning of the bones in the foot, the joints in the ankle and knees leading up to the hips and lower back. The muscles and ligaments holding these bones in their intended anatomical positions are prevented from over stretching and becoming neglected over time. Orthotics can benefit everyone from people with fallen or low arches to people with high arches to people with neutral arches. When the arch of the foot are not functioning properly, imbalances result that can sometimes lead to imbalances involving the rest of the body. The reality is  people can have high arches, or low arches, but the actual problem, is how the arch functions. Orthotics are not only good for your feet, they can also decrease strain on the ankles, knees, back and hips that results from incorrectly aligned feet. Come on in and get your foot scanned by Dr. Baron, and get your properly fitted orthotics customized to your foot!